量子謎題 Quantum Conundrum 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
Kim Swift曾是《傳送門》的首席設計師,但他在2009年離開了Valve。他開發的這款新遊戲被命
名為《量子謎題》(Quantum Conundrum)。
在遊戲中,玩家將扮演一個孩子尋找他的叔叔——Fitz Quadwrangle教授,一位瘋狂的科學家。他
When you, as a young boy, are dropped off to visit your uncle, you
notice something?s wrong. First, he?s not there to greet you. Second,
there?s the explosion that happened right as you arrived. And third,
the house seems to be even weirder than you remembered it.
Now, your job is to find?and ultimately rescue?your uncle, by using his
newest invention, the Interdimensional Shift Device (or IDS), to switch
between dimensions and solve puzzles. That sofa too heavy to move?
There?s a dimension for that! Switch to Fluffy Dimension and that sofa
is now light as a feather. Need to get up to a high ledge? There?s a
dimension for that! Just switch to Anti-Gravity Dimension and things
begin to float upward. Need to make things heavier? There?s a dimension
for th?well, you get the idea. Switch dimensions in real time, work
your way through the crazy complex mansion wings and rescue your uncle!
量子裂痕 量子破碎 Quantum Break 官方繁體中文正式版(藍光版)